Mind-Body Coaching
“We’re all just walking each other home” — Ram Dass
The steps to reaching our goals are unique. But we all share the need to identify what really matters in life. First we unlock to door to our senses, which brings us into clear awareness of our present moment.
Feeling Lost?
Many of us are at a crossroads, especially in this time when so much of what we have relied on is not there anymore. Are you looking for a new path or a new way to looking at your life?
Ready for healthier relationships?
Do you ever feel like you are giving to relationships but still lacking what you desire in return? Learn about the thoughts and emotions that add to a positive mental state and happiness in our relations with others.
We can then become aware of our inner states - thoughts and feelings - those that lead to happiness and those that cause suffering. With this knowledge, we unlock the possibilities for positive change.
We can put the pieces of the puzzle together!
Are you chronically tired, anxious, or worried?
The Buddha said that suffering is inevitable but how we interpret it is up to us. Would you like to ride through life’s ups and downs with more grace, courage and acceptance?
ready to learn how to be mindful and live more in the present?
We spend so much of our lives wishing we had done something differently (in the past) or worrying about what the future holds (in the future). The richness of life and our wisdom to live it, lies in the Present Moment.
Each time we meet we will discuss your goals and intentions, I will guide you into your body and engage you in some yoga postures to help you become deeply present to your mind and body. We will end each session together in conversation - identifying factors that serve you in your transformation and those that may be holding you back. We will work in partnership to set realistic, action oriented goals for you, with an orientation to your broadest, far reaching goal - where you ultimately want to get to. Together we will help you discern between what you “think you should be doing in your life” vs what your true somatic wisdom tells you.
Click below to reserve a free consultation or book your first session!